Druk Wangyal Lhakhang

Druk Wangyal Lhakhang


On the way back from the festival at Lamperi, we stopped at the Dochula pass to admire the 108 chortems. Nearby was also a temple, called a “Lhakhang” in Dzongkha; their national language. Inside this temple are 108 Buddhist paintings made by monks. They tell the life of Buddha. The walls inside this temple are so colourful and vivid. The watchman was very nice and explained some of the stories on the walls. I was happy to hear about it.

At the altar three large statues preside next to one another: Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, Gautama Buddha and Guru Rinpoche. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is the founder of the Bhutanese state. Gautama Buddha is known more often as Lord Buddha and Guru Rinpoche is one of the most respected Lama’s in Bhutan.

From listening to the stories and admiring the Buddhist art, I was taught not to become too attached to anything and to live happily by being loving and compassionate to all living beings. This is one of the core messages of Buddhism.