Category: Bumthang

07 Mar

Jakar Dzong

  This is a bustling little one-street town in Bumthang with an abundance of restaurants and handicrafts stores. Jakar sells a good amount of chugo, a hard, chewy dried...

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07 Mar

Ura Village

  This scenic village is settled at an elevation of 3100 meters. The village has about 50 households and the people are primarily sheep and yak herders. Cluster of...

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07 Mar

Mebar Tsho

  According to legend Terton Pema Lingpa had a vision of the sacred treasures that Guru Rimpoche had hidden within the lake centuries earlier. However, the people of Tang...

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07 Mar

Tharpaling Monastery

  Tharpaling Goemba is situated at around 3600m overlooking the picturesque Chumey valley in Bumthang. From Gyetsa village in Chumey valley, the pilgrims can drive up to the monastery...

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07 Mar

Jambey Lhakhang

  Considered one of the oldest temples in Bhutan, Jampa Lhakhang was built by a Tibetan King. As per the historical accounts, the king is said to have built...

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07 Mar

Tamshing Lhakhang

  Tamshing monastery originally known as Tamshing Lhendup Chholing (monastery of good message), is located in Chokhor valley at 5km distance from Jakar town. It is a small single...

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07 Mar

Kurjey Lhakhang

  As per the historical accounts, Bumthang region was under the rule of King Sindu Raza in the 8th century. During the King’s reign, he was struck with terrible...

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07 Mar

Bumthang Brewery

  The brewery stands overlooking the beautiful Bumthang valley near Batbalathang domestic airport. The brewery is one of the oldest and also the only one brewery in Bumthang valley....

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07 Mar

Yathra Weaving Center

  Traditionally every household in Chumey owned back strap loom and young girls were taught how to weave. Weavers use yak and sheep wool as the thick fabric was...

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