Category: Haa

07 Mar

Chhundu Lhakhang

  This is one of several temples dedicated to the Ha valley’s protective deity,’Ab Chhundu’. The temple is located 10 kms north of Haa and accessed by short 5-10...

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07 Mar

Haa Summer Festival

  Summer is the season of festivities for the mythical valley of Haa. Set among pristine lakes and an elevated alpine valley, Haa is located at 2 hours drive...

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07 Mar

Kila Nunnery

  The Kila Nunnery was established as a meditation site in the 9th century and is probably the oldest nunnery in the country. The nunnery sits clinging on a...

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07 Mar

Lhakhang Karpo and Lhakhang Nagpo

  Lhakhang Karpo and Lhakhang Nagpo are among the 108 monasteries built in one day by the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo in the 7th century. The king is said...

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