Category: Wangdue Phodrang

07 Mar

Black Necked Crane

  ‘Thrung Trung Karmo’ as this bird is passionately known in Bhutan is the subject of many Bhutanese songs and folklore. The birds are considered as the holy messenger,...

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07 Mar

Gangtey Monastery

  The Goemba is built on a ridge overlooking the valley. It is believed that in the 15th century, Terton Pema Lingpa prophesied that a Goemba would be built...

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07 Mar

Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park

  The black mountain park as it is popularly known is one of the protected natural reserves in Bhutan. Exotic varieties of endangered species such as musk deer, goat...

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07 Mar

Gaselo & Nahee Village

  The two villages are located in the west of the province, under the Wangdue Phrodang dzongkhag. Take picnic lunches and drive to these villages on day excursions. Village...

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07 Mar

Adha & Rukha

  Located under the Wangdue Phrodang dzongkhag, the villages of Adha and Rukha are excellent places to gain insights into the lives of rural Bhutanese farmers. While it is...

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07 Mar

Dargay Goempa

  This monastery was built in the spot where Divine Madman Drukpa Kuenley first met Ashi Genzo who was renowned for her beauty. When it was first constructed the...

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